I was just brought on to www.textbookly.com, we compare textbook prices online. It is an interesting setup, we don't sell a thing, instead we provide a search engine that compares over 20 online retailers of textbooks, or any books, and shows the cheapest price for new, user or renting the book. As it is a small, three man now, operation I am in charge of all marketing, advertising and public relations. This is going to be great, I can team up good traditional marketing and advertising, social media advertising and guerrilla marketing to create a solid IMC plan to help propel us forward.
I have been doing a lot of research on search engine optimisation, it is interesting how google checks for organic links, and how it will blacklist websites if they seem to be getting links or attention to fast. Also how much is written about SEO for google and how little is written for other search engines like Bing or yahoo's search. I understand that google is such a huge part of the search engine market, but to ignore the others which make up almost 25% according to seoconsultants.com. Sure Google's 71% market share is big, but to ignore the rest is just a bad business plan.
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